
产业基金经理的胜任力要素研究 被引量:2

Research on the Competence Factors of an Industrial Investment Fund Manager
摘要 随着我国资本市场改革的不断深入,针对国内企业融资渠道狭窄的现状,产业投资基金应运而生,并显示出了强劲的发展势头。面对这样一个新兴的金融市场,其运作者应具备怎样的专业素质是有待解决的问题。以此为契机,可探索产业基金经理胜任力要素及其对工作绩效的影响。研究结果表明:产业基金经理胜任力要素包括风险识别和风险缓释能力、个体特征、学习成长、业务拓展和客户维护能力、职业道德等五个维度,胜任力要素与工作绩效之间具有较强的路径相关。 With the deepening of the capital market reform and growing financing needs of domestic companies, the industrial investment funds have been developing and showing a strong growing momentum. Facing such an emerging finance market, it is a challenge to define the competence factors of a qualified industrial fund manager. This article has made a research on this issue, and the influence of the competence of a fund manager on the fund performance. Through semi-structured interviews, data analysis and studies of the past researches, the writer has built a model of the competence factors of a qualified industrial fund manager. The credibility and effectiveness of the model has been empirically tested, and the relationship between these factors and the performance has been analyzed. It is evidenced by the research that the competence factors of a qualified industrial fund manager include. the ability to define and mitigate risks, personal features, knowledge acquisition, business development, customer relationship maintenance and professional ethics. Also, it has proven that there is a strong relationship between the competence of the fund manager and the performance of the fund.
作者 章国华
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2007年第6期168-177,共10页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20060335127)
关键词 产业基金 基金经理 胜任力 工作绩效 fund fund manager competency fund performance
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