
Web服务的模型检测技术探讨 被引量:4

Discussion on Model Checking Technology over Web Service
摘要 从模型检测的基本概念出发,针对目前面向服务计算模式中,组合Web服务验证确认过程存在的问题,着重讨论了模型检测应用于Web服务验证中的关键技术,例如如何验证动态绑定服务的可信性,如何克服服务组合过程中的复杂性和不确定性;比较全面地总结并比较了几种具有代表性的对Web服务进行验证和确认的模型检测技术和相关工具;并探讨了应用于Web服务验证框架的模型检测技术研究中存在的一些问题及相应的解决方案. Based on the fundamental concepts in model checking technology,this paper mainly focuses on the key model checking technology in the application of composite Web service verification. At present,there are some difficulties during the process of composite web service verification and validation with the service oriented computing pattern,for example, how to verify the trustworthiness when services are combined dynamically or how to solve the complexity and undecidability during the process of service composition. It also summaries and compares several kinds of typical model checking application in the verification and validation for web services. At last, it discusses some existing problems and provides corresponding solutions in model checking research when it is applied in the web service validation and verification framework.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期1921-1927,共7页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60603035)资助
关键词 面向服务的计算 WEB服务规范 模型检测 服务验证 service oriented computing Web service specification model checking Web service verification
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