
不同水质稳定剂对凝汽器不锈钢管的缓蚀性能 被引量:7

Corrosion inhibition performance of different stabilizers on stainless steel tubes in condenser
摘要 研究了4种不同水质稳定剂对304不锈钢耐点蚀性能的影响。实验结果显示,在实验用冷却水原水中不锈钢不出现点蚀,但随着原水的浓缩不锈钢出现点蚀,水质分析显示在冷却水浓缩过程中出现钙垢沉积。4种复配稳定剂均可在一定程度上抑制冷却水在浓缩过程中对不锈钢的点蚀,其中在含2、4号稳定剂的冷却水中浓缩倍率在3倍及以下时不锈钢不发生点蚀;在含1号稳定剂冷却水中,浓缩倍率在4倍及以下时不锈钢不出现点蚀;而含3号稳定剂时,不锈钢在浓缩至6倍的冷却水中仍未点蚀。根据某电厂的要求,确定了性价比较高、适合该电厂使用的水质稳定剂。 The corrosion inhibition performance of four different water stabilizers on stainless steel in condenser was studied. The results show that the pitting corrosion doesn't occur on the stainless steel in the raw cooling water until the water is concentrated to some degree. The analysis of water quality shows that the calcium sediment appears during the concentration of raw cooling water. Experiment results show that the four water stabilizers are of certain pitting corrosion inhibition performance, typically, the pitting corrosion doesn't occur if the concentration ratio is 3 or less in eoo/ing water containing No. 2 or No. 4 water stabilizer, 4 or less in cooling water containing No. 1 water stabilizer. The pitting corrosion doesn ' t even occur in the cooling water containing No.3 water stabilizer when the concentration ratio is up to 6. According to the demand of certain power plant, the right scale and corrosion inhibitor for the stainless steel condenser was determined.
出处 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期72-74,共3页 Electric Power
基金 上海市重点学科建设项目(P1304) 上海市教委重点科研项目(06ZZ68) 上海市科委科技攻关计划资助项目(062312045)
关键词 凝汽器 不锈钢管 水质稳定剂 缓蚀 阻垢 condenser stainless steel tube water stabilizer corrosion inhibition scale inhibition
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