
智力结构的分化假设 被引量:1

The Differentiation Hypothesis of Intelligence Structure
摘要 该文探讨了智力结构随能力、年龄等个体差异而变化的可能性。认知分化假设认为,能力水平更高的人有"更多"的智力,其智力结构中g因素的作用随IQ水平的增加而递减。年龄分化假设指出,从童年期到青年早期,g因素在认知能力中的作用随年龄的增加而减小;相反,从青年早期到成年晚期,g因素的作用递增,智力结构中其他因素的数量和重要性则递减。该领域未来的研究应当解决测量和评估工具的问题,扩大被试的能力水平和年龄范围。 This paper discussed the possibility that intelligence structure might be changed with individual differences such as ability and age. The cognitive-differentiation hypothesis indicates that higher-ability individuals have 'more' intelligence and the effect of g factor descends with IQ increasing in their intelligence structure. The age-differentiation hypothesis states that from childhood to early maturity, the effect of g factor decreases with increasing age in cognitive ability. However, from early maturity to late adulthood, an increase in the importance of g factor and a decrease in the number and importance of the remaining abilities are predicted. Future researches in this field should resolve the problem of measurement & assessment instruments, and extend the range of subjects' ability and age
作者 曾毅 陈少华
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期885-889,共5页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十五"规划课题(项目号:XLY0311)
关键词 智力结构 g因素 认知分化 年龄分化 intelligence structure, g-factor, cognitive-differentiation, age-differentiation
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