
瓜果坚实度的冲击响应无损检测方法 被引量:4

Non-destructive Testing of Melon & Fruit Firmness with Impulsive Excitation Response
摘要 针对瓜果坚实度检测的重要性,结合国内外采用冲击响应方法进行瓜果坚实度无损检测的研究和应用现状,提出了构建简易实验平台,辅之于数值模拟方法,不断完善瓜果模型和实验手段的研究思路,对采用冲击响应方法进行瓜果坚实度测量装置的实用化具有重要意义。 Considering of the importance and situation of melon and fruit firmness testing home and abroad, to improve continuously the way of the measurement with impulsive excitation response by constructing a simple device with the calc^ation modeling is put forward. It will benefit for the practical machine taking on the melon and fruit firmness non- destructive testing.
出处 《仪表技术与传感器》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期21-22,24,共3页 Instrument Technique and Sensor
关键词 瓜果 无损检测 坚实度 冲击响应 melon and fruit non-destructive testing firmness impulsive excitation response
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