
英夫利昔治疗实验性免疫性肌炎实验研究 被引量:2

Experimental Study of Infliximab Treating Experimental Immune Myositis
摘要 目的观察英夫利昔对实验性免疫性肌炎(EIM)的治疗效果。方法建立EIM动物模型,分别应用英夫利昔0.125 mL(1次/周)、地塞米松1 mg(1次/d)及生理盐水(NS)1 mL(1次/周)治疗EIM,并通过临床症状评分及病理改变评价其对EIM的疗效。结果地塞米松组治疗后临床症状评分下降1.1,有效率75%;英夫利昔组治疗后临床症状评分下降1.5,有效率94%;地塞米松组与英夫利昔组治疗前后临床症状评分差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);与对照组相比,地塞米松组与英夫利昔组治疗后临床症状评分差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);非参数Riddit分析表明,两组治疗后病理分级明显优于对照组(均P<0.01);经组织学评价,英夫利昔组和地塞米松组与对照组相比有效率更高(均P<0.05)。结论英夫利昔治疗EIM疗效明显。 Objective To assess the clinical effects of infliximab in experimental immune myositis (EIM). Methods To treat EIM with infliximab 0. 125 mL(1 time/week), dexamethasone 1 mg (1 time/d) and normal saline 1 mL (1 time/week) injected intraperitoneally and evaluate the effects of infliximab according to the clinical symptom scores and pathological examination. Results Scores of neuromuscular symptoms decreased by 1. 1 points in the group dexamethasone and by 1.5 points in group infliximab. Effective power was 75% in the group dexamethasone and 94% in the group infliximab. Compared with group control, the increases of neuromuscular scores in the two therapeutic groups were statistically significant (P〈0.05). Nonparametric riddit analysis showed pathological rankings of two therapeutic groups were superior to group control (P〈0.01). Effective rates in the two therapeutic groups were higher than in the control, the differences were statistically significant (P〈0. 05). Conclusions Infliximab was effective in the treatment of EIM.
出处 《中国神经免疫学和神经病学杂志》 CAS 2007年第6期336-338,I0002,共4页 Chinese Journal of Neuroimmunology and Neurology
关键词 实验性免疫性肌炎 英夫利昔 地塞米松 sexperimental immune myositis infliximab dexamethasone
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