
八宝丹配合介入治疗热毒血瘀型原发性肝癌的临床观察 被引量:14

Clinical Observe Report of Babao Pellet Compounded of TACE Treating the Heat Toxic and Blood Stagnation Type Patients with Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma
摘要 目的:初步观察八宝丹辅助治疗热毒血瘀原发性肝癌的临床疗效。方法:入选病人随机进入临床观察,一组单纯介入治疗;一组患者在介入基础上口服八宝丹,2影次,3次/日连续服用8周为1个周期。介入用药统一为5-FUDRl.0+DDP60-80mg+E-ADM60-80mg+碘油5-10mL,1次/4周共2次。观察八宝丹对患者近期中医证候、客观疗效及毒副反应的影响和1年生存率。结果:两组患者治疗后肿瘤大小、甲胎蛋白浓度比治疗前都有很大程度的缩小或降低。八宝丹联合介入治疗组中医证候的改善明显优于单纯介入治疗组,二者证候稳定改善率分别为85%、55%;单纯介入组患者出现腹痛、呕吐、或体温超过38℃的并发症情况多于八宝丹联合介入治疗组患者。两组比较差别显著P〈0.05。单纯介入组患者肝功能损害也明显多于八宝丹联合介入组患者。单纯介入组患者1年生存率48.3%,显著低于八宝丹联合介入组患者61.8%,P〈0.05。结论:八宝丹在改善热毒血瘀肝癌患者中医证候,减少、降低介入治疗并发症,延长生存时间有很好的治疗作用;值得进一步研究其在临床治疗肝癌的有效性。 Objective: To primary observe the clinical effect of Babaodan compounded of TACE on the Heat Toxic and Blood Stagnation Type Patients with Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Methods : Selected patients assigned to two groups randomizedly in which one group accept TACE only, while another group accept TACE and take Babaodan orally by 2 capsules 3times a day for 8 weeks. TACE :5 - FUDR1.0 + DDP 60 - 80mg + E - ADM60 - 80mg + Iodine - oil 5 - 10mL,once for four weeks for two times together. And then observe the patients TCM. Syndrome,effect,complications and 1 year survive rate. Results : After 8 weeks treatment two group patients' tumor size,AFP concentration get small or low, TCM syndrome stable together improve rate is 85% ,55%, respectively in Babaodan compounded of TACE group and TACE group. There were more complications like abdominal pain ,vomiting, temperature over 38℃ and liver function hurt in TACE only group than those in Babaodan compounded of TACE group, P 〈 0.05.1 year survive rate in Babaodan compounded of TACE group is 48.3% higher than 61.8% in TACE only group, P 〈 O. 05. Conclusion : Babaodan can improve TCM syndrome reduce complications and prolong survive time in the Heat Toxic and Blood Stagnation Type Pa- tients with Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma. It' s worth to study more the validity of Babaodan on Hepatocellular Carci- noma.
出处 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2007年第11期2404-2407,共4页 Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 八宝丹 热毒血瘀证 原发性肝癌 肝动脉介入栓塞化疗 中医药 Babaodan heat toxic and blood stagnation primary hepatocellular carcinoma TACE traditional Chinese medicine
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