给出了基于USB的智能数据采集处理系统的设计及实现。硬件电路设计中,下位机选用通用8位51内核MCU AT89C52。USB接口芯片采用Philips公司推出的PDIUSBD12。本设计软件包括3部分:固件程序、驱动程序及用户应用程序。固件程序用Keil uVision2开发,采用Windriver开发USB驱动,并用Visual C++6.0对主机软件中硬件接口操作部分进行动态链接库封装。
The design and implementation of a USB - based data acquisition system is presented. In hard- ware design, the 8bit MCU AT89C52 is used as the controller, which have 8Kb Flash ROM and 256B RAM, while PDIUSBD12 is used as the interface chip, which is designed by Philips Co. The software design consists of three parts : the MCU, the driver, and the application. The software of the MCU is developed using Keil uVision2, and the operation on the hardware interface is packaged into Dynamic Link Libraries by Visual C++ 6. 0.
Electronic Science and Technology