1987年中国水利水电科学研究院引进前西德申克公司的先进技术和设备,建成了大型三向六自由度地震模拟振动台,该振动台的各项性能和指标在当时均属国际先进、国内领先水平。2006年美国INSTRON SCHENCK公司对该振动台的控制部分进行了改造,将原来的模拟控制改造为全数字化控制,运用全数字化的Labtronic 8800控制器,Labsite软件包和高速多通道数据采集系统包括数据在线处理的前沿技术,这项技术能够提供软件和硬件附加功能的更宽的范围,使控制系统不仅保持了原有的性能,而且还使系统的性能得到提高。
Introduced into the technology and equipment of the previous Schenck corporation of the Germany in 1987, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research(IWHR) has built a large scale earthquake simulator of 6-freedom, whose performance was advanced throughout the world and also leaded the field within China at that time. The control system of the earthquake simulator has been updated in 2006 by Instron Schenck, an American corporation, who replaced the original simulation-controlled system with an fully digital-controlled system, using the IST fully digital Labtronic 8800 controller, the Labsite software and the high speed multiple channel data acquisition system with online data reduction. This cutting edge technology enables access to a wider scope of additional functionalities in both software and hardware, and simultaneously, achieves the original functionality but typically with im- provement
Measurement & Control Technology