
企业竞争策略与IT治理模式的相关性分析 被引量:4

The Relevance Analyses between Enterprise Competition Policy and IT Governance Patterns
摘要 IT治理是现代企业从IT技术中获取最大化商业价值,规避IT风险的重要手段,已经成为公司治理的一部分。但不同的企业所在行业不同,所采用的竞争策略不同,IT治理模式必然不尽相同。那么企业竞争策略与IT治理模式之间有怎样的相关性?结合企业可采取的三种不同竞争策略,从IT治理模式的三个具体方面出发,对相应的不同的IT治理模式进行了对比分析。 IT governance has become the main means for enterprise to get the most commercial value and avoid risks from IT technology, and IT governance has become a part of corporate governance. But because enterprises are in different industries and have different competition policy, their IT governance patterns should be different. So what is the relevance between enterprise competition policy and it's IT governance patterns? The paper has a deeply comparative analyses on the "five key decisions" ,governance arrangement,and governance mechanism for which company has different competition policy. And this is a great help for company's IT constructing.
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第11期167-170,共4页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70663001/G0304)
关键词 IT治理 竞争策略 治理模式 IT governance competition policy governance pattern
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