

Wulong Model of overall urban-rural development based on outdoor recreation industry
摘要 发展有竞争力的战略性产业,是统筹城乡发展的关键。武隆应该发挥资源优势,整体开发多层次户外休闲活动,使生态型户外休闲产业成为有生命力的统筹城乡发展的战略产业,将武隆整体打造为原生态的户外休闲产业基地,形成以户外休闲产业为支撑、以农民就地转型为特色的统筹城乡发展的武隆模式。实施这一模式,要明确产业的发展思路,采取"六个武隆"的实施途径。 The development of strategic industries with competence is the key for overall urban-rural development. Wulong should take the advantage of resources to overall develop multiple-level outdoor recreation activities so as to make ecological outdoor recreation industry become vigor strategic industry of overall urban-rural development, to build the whole Wulong into ecological outdoor recreation industry site and to create Wulong Model of overall urban-rural development with irreplaceable outdoor recreation industry support and with the characteristics of locally transferring surplus peasants. The key to implementing this model is to clarify the industry development strategy and to construct "Wulong with six competences".
作者 韩渝辉
出处 《重庆工商大学学报(西部论坛)》 2007年第5期10-13,共4页 Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University:West Forum
关键词 户外休闲产业 统筹城乡发展 武隆模式 outdoor recreation industry overall urban-rural development Wulong Model
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