
国际商业银行监管模式演进及对我国的启示 被引量:9

Supervision Pattern Evolution of International Commercial Banks and Its Implication for China
摘要 随着世界银行业的变革和发展,银行规制理论和监管模式日趋完善。从世界银行业监管历史来看,国际商业银行监管模式渐渐由"刚性"、"半刚性"向"柔性"转化,先后经历了行政命令式、标准化方法、内部模型法、预先承诺法四个规制阶段。随着我国成功入世及银行业改革不断向纵深推进,现有银行监管模式将面临强有力的挑战。为此,加强银行规制理论研究,探索国际商业银行监管模式演进轨迹,对构建我国有效银行监管模式将起到重大启示和推动作用。 Along with the world banking industry' s transformation and the development, bank regulation theories and supervision patterns consummate day by day. In view of the world banking industry' s supervision history, the international commercial bank supervision pattern turned gradually from "rigidity", "half rigidity" to "flexibility", and it successi,ely experienced four stages, admires" trative imperative mode, the standardized method, the inside modeling, and pledge in advance. As China became a member of WTD and the reform consistently advandeeper, the existing bank supervision pattern will face severe challenge. Therefore, strengthening theoretical researches on banking supervision and exploring the evolution path of international commercial bank supervision pattern would give significant enlightenmem and impetus for constmcting our country' s effective bank supervision pattern.
作者 张静琦
出处 《财经科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第11期26-32,共7页 Finance & Economics
关键词 规制理论 监管模式 演进轨迹 rules and regulations theories supervision pattern evolution path
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