
白肋烟烟碱转化对烟叶中性和碱性香气成分含量的影响 被引量:14

Influence of Nicotine Conversion on the Contents of Neutral and Basic Aroma Component in Burley Tobacco
摘要 采用GC/MS对白肋烟不同烟碱转化程度烟叶的中性和碱性挥发性成分进行了定性和定量分析。结果表明,烟碱转化导致烟叶中性和碱性挥发性成分组成比例发生变化,一些重要香气成分如巨豆三烯酮和β-大马酮含量降低,而一些糖和氨基酸类降解产物糠醛、糠醇含量增加,胺类的吲哚含量增加显著。烟碱转化还导致碱性成分中的麦斯明含量大幅度增加。不同烟碱转化率样品的新植二烯、茄酮等香气成分含量差异较小。 Qualitative and quantitative analysis was conducted to determine the neutral and basal volatile components in cured tobacco with different degrees of nicotine to nornicotine conversion by using GC/MS, The results showed that nicotine conversion lead to the changes in the proportion of neutral and basic components in the whole volatile chemistry. The contents of some of the important aroma components such as megastigmatrieonel and beta-damascenone decreased as the increase of the conversion level ; while some of the sugar and amino acid degradated components increased ; the content of indole, an amine with unpleasant odor, also increased, Nicotine conversion resulted in the dramatic increase in myosamine content which was among the basic volatile components, The contents of neophytadiene and solanone and some other aroma components remained unchanged between different samples. The study provided material bases for the sensory evaluation results conducted with tobacco of different conversion levels.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期43-46,共4页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 国家烟草栽培生理生化研究基地栽培重点实验室资助项目
关键词 白肋烟 烟碱 降烟碱 烟碱转化率 香气 中性成分 碱性成分 Tobacco Nicotine Nornicotine Nicotine conversion Aroma Neutral components Basic components
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