A two-dimensional model in the equatorial zonal-vertical plane was applied to study the internal gravity waves during the QBO′s generation in the lower equatorial stratosphere. Two monochromatic waves are steadily forced at the bottom boundary. One is the eastward-propagating wave with wavenumber 1 (wave 1E) and the other is the westward-propagating wave with wavenumber 2 (wave 2W). Their absolute phase velocities are about 31 m·s -1 . The model successes in reproducing the QBO-like oscillations of the zonal mean flow and the oscillation period is about 36 months. However, the maximum absolute wind speeds of both easterlies and westerlies are about 48 m·s -1 which is much larger than the absolute phase velocities of the two forced waves. Wave analysis shows that many new waves are generated through nonlinear wave-wave interactions. In newly generated waves, the westward-propagating wave with zonal wavenumber 1 (wave 1W) and eastward-propagating waves with zonal wavenumber 2 (wave 2E) take some important roles in the QBO′s generation. The forced wave 1E and 2W can accelerate westerlies and easterlies to about 31 m·s -1 , respectively. For easterlies, the newly generated wave 1W, whose phase velocity is about 91 m·s -1 , may further accelerate the zonal mean flow up to 48 m·s -1 . But for westerlies, the newly generated wave 2E can accelerate the zonal mean flow only under 20 km and the excessive acceleration of the zonal mean flow is likely due to the self-acceleration of wave 1E.
Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
internal gravity wave quasi-biennial oscillation wave-wave interaction forced wave newly generated wave