介绍基于C/S结构和SQL Server 2000的触摸屏查询系统的特点,并以系统输入模块为例说明PowerBuilder与SQL Server 2000的程序设计过程。医院触摸屏查询系统实现了多种功能,在某医院运行的一年多时间里,极大地方便了病人,体现了"以病人为核心"的理念。
This article introduces how to design the touch input function of screen-touch inquiry system based on client/server structure and SQL Server 2000 database, and explains how to use Powerhuilder and SQL Server 2000 to develop the input module of the system with examples. The multifunction of hospital screen-touch inquiry system consists of information about charge standards in outpatient and inpatient department. It is more convenient for patients in visiting hospital during more than one year practice and realizes the goal. Patients are the center in hospital services.
Computer and Modernization