基于J2EE框架的电子商务近年来在国内外得到了广泛应用。本文对当前J2EE框架存在的局限和问题进行了简要分析,采用了一种轻量级J2EE框架Struts(整合Ajax)+Spring+Hibernate开发高效、可靠、实用的电子商务应用。该系统采用三层Web体系结构模式,其中表现层采用Struts技术,核心业务逻辑采用Spring框架,而数据持久层采用时下流行的Hibernate O/R Mapping技术。
J2EE framework has got a wide application in E-business development. By analyzing limits and problems with current J2EE framework, and combining with E-business' s own characteristic, a new E-business architecture based on lightweight J2EE framework which is elegant, effective and reliable is proposed. It is a three-tier Web application architecture, using Struts framework which integrates Ajax technology as user interface tier, Spring framework as business logic tier, and Hibernate O/R mapping with responsibility for data persistence.
Computer and Modernization