

Rescue Dialectics or Dispel Dialectics?——Discuss with Tian Hai-ping and Ma Ying-lin
摘要 一个半世纪前,马克思提出要从黑格尔哲学的神秘形式中把"一切辩证法的基本形式"解救出来。一个半世纪后,田海平、马英林二先生在《拯救辩证法:后形而上学时代的思想任务》一文中,重提"拯救辩证法"这一课题,对当代的辩证法研究是一个极大的推动。马克思的哲学研究,不仅有效地拯救了以黑格尔为代表的思辨辩证法,而且卓有成效地创立了合理形态的辩证法。但是,田、马二先生却认为,马克思的工作只是拯救辩证法这一"漫长旅程的开端或开始",而更重要的任务乃是进一步从形而上学的思想谱系与现实运作中"拯救"辩证法,并且认为,这是"后形而上学时代的思想任务"。不难看出,田、马二先生的"拯救辩证法"与马克思的"拯救辩证法"是根本不同的:马克思的拯救辩证法,是剔除神秘主义的思辨形式,救出"一切辩证法的基本形式",其结果是救出了辩证法;而田、马二先生的拯救辩证法,则是只保留辩证法的批判本性,而否定辩证法的形而上的本体论意蕴,从而否定一切辩证法共同具有的"基本形式",其结果是消解了辩证法。 A century and half ago, Marx asked to rescue "all the basic form of dialectics" from Hegel's philosophy in the form of the mysterious. A century and half later, Mr. Tian Haiping and Mr. Ma Yinglin recalled in their article Rescue the Dialectics: the Thinking Tasks after the Metaphysics Age with the topic of "rescue dialectics", this is a great impetus for the dialectics of contemporary research. In his philosophy of life, Marx not only saved the speculative dialectics effectively which represented by the Hegelian dialectics, but also created a reasonable form of dialectics. However, Mr. Tian and Mr. Ma thought that the work of Marxist dialectics was "the beginning of a long journey", but more important task was to "save" dialectics further from the ideological pedigree and metaphysical reality operation, and thought that this is "the thinking tasks after the metaphysics age". It is not difficult to find that the fields of Mr. Tian and Mr. Ma's "rescue dialectics" is fundamentally different from Marx's "rescue the Dialectics": Marxist rescue dialectics was to reject the speculative forms of mysticism, rescue "all the basic form of dialectics", the result was saving out the dialectics; but Mr. Tian and Mr. Ma's fields of rescuing dialectics is only to retain the critical nature of dialectics, and negate dialectics Metaphysical Meaning of the ontology, thus it means to negate the dialectics common "basic form," the result of which is to dispel dialectics.
作者 张绍宏
出处 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第6期63-69,共7页 Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 《拯救辩证法:后形而上学时代的思想任务》 拯救辩证法 神秘辩证法 形而上学 Rescue the Dialectics: the Thinking Tasks after the Metaphysics Age rescue dialectics mysterious dialectics metaphysicics
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