

On the Effect of Band V and VI Examination Reform on the English Teaching in Vocational Colleges
摘要 本文探讨了目前高职高专院校以大学英语四、六级考试,作为三年制英语专业学生终结性评估标准的必要性,通过对该考试改革趋势的分析,浅析其对学生听力和口语表达能力教学的指导作用。 This paper discusses the necessary of taking Band V and Band VI Examination as the ultimate evaluation standard for the English majors in vocational colleges. Based on the analysis on the trend of the test system, it also analyzes the function of guiding students to improve their listening and oral comprehension.
作者 陆春艳
出处 《江苏教育学院学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第5期97-98,共2页 Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)
关键词 大学英语四 六级考试 终结性评估 教学改革 College English Band V and VI Examination ultimate evaluation teaching reform
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