
确定单光子计数系统中最佳甄别电压的实验研究 被引量:1

Estimating the best discrimination voltage in single-photon counting system
摘要 在光电倍增管相关理论的基础上从改变功率、积分时间、减光片、阴极电子加速电压等方面,通过实验利用Matlab软件对曲线进行拟合,通过该方法得到了光子计数率与功率、信噪比与功率、信噪比与积分时间之间的关系以及光电倍增管的相关特性.最后确定了单光子计数系统中最佳甄别电压的具体方法. Based on the photomultiplier theory, experimental data corresponding to different power, integral time, number of cut-ray slice, high voltage, etc. , are gained, and the curve are fitted using Matlab software. The relationships between photon counting rate and power, signal-to-noise ratio and power, signal-to-noise ratio and integral time are given. At the same time, many features related to photomultiplier are summed up. Finally, a detailed way to estimate the best discrimination voltage is presented.
作者 陈凯 杨振萍
出处 《物理实验》 2007年第11期7-11,共5页 Physics Experimentation
基金 西南科技大学校级教改项目(No.200607)
关键词 甄别电压 光电倍增管 光功率 光子计数 信噪比 discrimination voltage photomultiplier luminous power photon counting signal-tonoise ratio
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