
脑死亡和器官移植问题解决需要立法直接介入 被引量:8

Direct Legislation Is Required to Solve Brain Death and Organ Transplant Related Issues
摘要 随着脑死亡认定和器官移植开展所引发的问题在器官移植案例上大量涌现,使得死亡认定是采用心肺死亡标准还是脑死亡标准之争日趋加剧,参与脑死亡和器官移植主体的权利与义务不清的矛盾越发突出,这一切要求国家从立法上就死亡和器官移植问题清楚表态。国家在规范死亡认定标准和器官移植及其相关问题上,支付成本最小、收益最大、最适宜法治社会的介入手段是通过立法。笔者认为,在制定脑死亡和器官移植立法问题上,或可以由全国人大制定专门的脑死亡和器官移植法;或可以由全国人大常委会以部分补充和修改法律的方式完善有关脑死亡和器官移植条款;或可以由全国人大授权国务院先制定脑死亡和器官移植方面的行政法规,如目前已经制定了《人体器官移植条例》,待条件成熟后再制定法律;或可以采取寻求全国人大常委会以法律解释方式对脑死亡和器官移植进行立法;或可以考虑由最高人民法院单独就自然死亡认定与器官移植问题做出司法解释。在脑死亡和器官移植的法规选择上,各省、市(经济特区所在地的省、市除外)不具备有关脑死亡事宜的地方立法权,但有制定器官移植事宜的地方立法权;经济特区享有脑死亡和器官移植方面的地方立法权。在已经存在脑死亡和器官移植法律、行政法规、地方性法规、自治条例和单行条例前提下,可以以政府规章、部门规章方式就脑死亡和器官移植问题进行执行性立法。在脑死亡和器官移植立法路径上,可试选择由点到面、由局部到整体、由个别省市试点到全国推广的路径,这样做既可增大脑死亡和器官移植立法的可行性,又能提高脑死亡和器官移植立法的成功率。 As more and more issues have emerged in organ transplantion cases, there is an increasing dispute about the definition of death: whether the criteria of cardiopulmonary death or brain death should be applied. The conflict between rights and obligations in brain death and organ transplantion is becoming ever evident, and there is a need for clarity on the issue of death and organ transplantion. This needs to come through legislation, which would be the most economical and effective intervention to provide this clarity. The authors believe that the National People's Congress of China (NPC), the Standing Committee of NPC, the State Council of China and the Supreme People's Court of China may get involved in the legislation for issues related to brain death and organ transplantion. As for the selection of decrees related to brain death and organ transplantion, all provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-governed municipalities can not exercise corresponding local legislative power except for special economic zones. After brain death and organ transplant related laws, administrative regulations, local decrees, autonomous decrees and special decrees have been settled, relevant executive legislation may be enacted. During such a legislative procedure, pilot programs can be adopted so as to enhance the applicability and success rate of the legislation of brain death and organ transplant.
出处 《中国循证医学杂志》 CSCD 2007年第11期816-826,共11页 Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine
基金 广东省哲学社会科学规划项目"脑死亡立法问题研究"(03104E05)
关键词 立法 介入 脑死亡 器官移植 Legislation Intervention Brain death Organ transplant
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