
钢基模具喷涂层温度场和应力场模拟分析 被引量:2

Temperature field and stress field in arc sprayed coating of steel mold
摘要 采用有限元分析软件计算不同时刻以及不同位置涂层内的温度场、应力场,分析电弧喷涂方法制造模具时的沉积过程。在建立传热模型过程中,采用在厚度方向以微小层逐层叠加来模拟涂层的增厚,并应用生死单元法逐层激活层单元参与计算过程,以模拟真实的喷涂沉积过程,获得了喷涂层内温度场、应力场的分布情况。并在此计算的基础上,分析了应力的分布对涂层失稳以及残余应力分布的影响,为模具尺寸设计和喷涂工艺制订提供了依据。 In order to analyze the arc spraying deposition process during the mold manufacture the FEA simulation program was introduced to calculate the temperature field and stress field in the sprayed coating. The heat transfer from coating to substrate was taken into account when the mathematical model is put forward. The model is built through the micro-thickness increase of the coatings. The micro-thickness lamellas and method of element's birth or death are activated gradually to participate in the calculation. Movable boundary condition is used to simulate the practical deposition process adequately. On the basis of the calculation, the effect of the stress distribution on the coating unstable and the residual stress is analyzed.
出处 《焊接学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期61-64,共4页 Transactions of The China Welding Institution
关键词 电弧喷涂 模具 数值模拟 温度场 应力场 arc spraying mold numerical simulation temperature field stress field
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