在北京松山国家级自然保护区,漆黑污灯蛾Spilarctia infernalis主要危害小叶朴、桑树、榆树等植物;1 a发生1代,多以3-4龄幼虫在枯枝落叶及杂草中越冬。翌年5月上旬幼虫开始取食危害,5月下旬老熟幼虫开始化蛹,6月下旬进入羽化高峰期,7月下旬开始出现幼虫。
Spilarctia infernalis mainly attacks plants such as Celtis bungeana , Morus alba and Ulmus pumila. It has one generation a year in the Songshan State Nature Reserve in Beijing and overwinters as larvae in the 3rd or 4th instar in litter and weeds. The larva begins to feed on leaves in May the next year and pupate in the last ten days of May. The adult emerges in the last ten days of June.
Forest Pest and Disease