
隐喻瓦解理性:从尼采到解构主义的语言观 被引量:1

Dismantling Reason with Metaphor: Linguistic View from Nietzsche to Deconstruction
摘要 作为解构主义的先驱,尼采和德里达等解构主义者在反理性主义的立场和语言观上有很多共通之处,尼采认为真理是个人权力意志的表现,是相对的,道德只是个人对满足自身需要的行为的一种解释,是虚无的,因此,作为理性载体的传统语言观也就受到质疑,尼采认为这种语言压抑了个体的意志和创造力,他认为语言本质上是隐喻的,语言的使用是个人的一种创造性行为,解构主义者继承了尼采的语言的本质是隐喻的观点,消解了文学与哲学、文学作品与文学评论、文学文本与非文学文本之间的界线,通过语言意义的相对性和流变性瓦解了理性主义的大厦。 As the forerunner of deconstruction, Nietzsche has much in common with deconstuctonists such as Derrida in their anti-rationalism and their view of language. Nietzsche believed that truth, as a sign of the will to power, was relative and that morality, as an excuse for the individual's selfish behavior, was nihilistic. Thus the conventional view of language as the embodiment of reason was questioned. Nietzsche held that such a language repressed the individual's will and creativity. He believed that language was essentially metaphorical and that the use of language was a creative action of the individual. Inheriting Nietzsche's metaphorical view of language, Deconstuctonists eliminated the boundaries between literature and philosophy, between literary works and literary criticism, and between literary text and non-literary text and dismantled reason by resorting to the relative and elusive meaning of language.
作者 桂宏军
出处 《湖北广播电视大学学报》 2007年第11期133-134,共2页 Journal of Hubei Radio & Television University
关键词 非理性 语言 隐喻 尼采 解构 irrationalism: language: metaphor: Nietzsche deconstruction
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