
树的最大特征值的序 被引量:2

Ordering Trees by Their Largest Eigenvalues
摘要 设Tn为n个顶点的树的集合,Hofmeister M.对Tn中的树的最大特征值进行排序,给出了第1至第5位的序;CHANG An又给出了第6至第8位的序.讨论了树的最大特征值,确定了第9位的值及对应的树. The set of trees with n vertices is denoted by Tn. Hofmeister has determined the first five values of the largest eigenvalue of trees in Tn and the corresponding trees for these values. Inother words, an order of the first five trees in Tn by their largest eigenvalues has been given.Chang An has determined the sixth to eighth trees in the above ordering. In this paper, the order to the ninth tree is extended.
作者 梁修东
机构地区 江南大学理学院
出处 《江南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2007年第5期627-630,共4页 Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition) 
关键词 特征多项式 特征值 上界 tree characteristic polynomial eigenvalue upper bound
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