
微生物对铀等重金属的耐受性机制探讨 被引量:1

Tolerance mechanisms of microorganisms against uranium and other heavy metals
摘要 利用微生物来修复铀对环境的污染是一项很有发展前途的技术。其中微生物对铀等重金属的耐受性是影响铀污染环境生物修复的主要因素之一。主要从细胞、分子水平上讨论了微生物耐铀胁迫的生物机制,并对微生物耐铀机制的研究中存在的问题进行了讨论,同时对今后的研究作了展望。 Remediating the uranium contaiminated environment with microorganisms is considered as a promising technology. However, the tolerance of microorganisms against uranium and other heavy metals is one of dominating factors affecting the hioremediation of uranium contaiminated environment. Based on the cell and molecular levels, the tolerance mechanisms of microorganisms against uranium and other heavy metals are investigated. Some issues existing in the study of the tolerance mechanisms of microorganisms are discussed. The prospective study is remarked.
作者 李跃 谢水波
出处 《铀矿冶》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第4期201-206,共6页 Uranium Mining and Metallurgy
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(10475038)
关键词 微生物 耐受性 uranium microorganism tolerance mechanisms
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