
医生对专科护士工作认识的调查与分析 被引量:7

A survey and analysis of recognition of doctors toward working of clinical nurse specialists
摘要 [目的]为了解医生对专科护士(CNS)工作的认识情况,为CNS培训和岗位设置提供参考。[方法]选取沈阳市5所三甲医院的医生60名.从医生对CNS工作岗位设置的态度和建议,CNS应具备的素质,期望CNS担当的工作角色方面进行调查。[结果]100%医生对CNS工作岗位设置持支持态度,建议根据各医院实际需要设岗,并逐步健全CNS工作岗位的定编、设岗、聘任、考核和分配制度;医生对CNS提出了较高的要求,其中对沟通与表达能力、健康教育能力、团队协调协作能力的要求排前3位。[结论]CNS在我固有好的发展前景,但CNS的发展任重而道远,医生及社会各界应给予更多的支持和帮助: Objective: To know about the recognition of doctors towards working of clinical nurse specialists (CNS), and to provide some references for CNS training and post setup. Methods: A total 60 doctors in five third grade and class A hospitals in Shenyang city were selected and investigated from aspects of the attitude and suggestion of doctor on setup of work post of CNS, quality which CNS should possess and expected working role of CNS. Results: Hundred per cent of investigated doctors had supportive attitude for setup of working post of CNS. And they suggested setting up post based on practical demands of each hospital, and gradually perfect deciding authorized strength, post setup, appointment, exam and allocation systems of CNS posts. Doctors put forward higher demands for CNS, a- mong which the communication and expression ability, health e- ducation ability and group cooperation ability were at the first three places. Conclusion: The CNS has good development per- spective in China. However, the development of CNS is shoul- der heavy responsibilities. Doctors and other social domains should provide more supports and helps.
作者 穆晓云 于欣霓 Mu Xiaoyun, Yu Xinni (High Occupation College of Chinese Medical University, Liaoning 110001 China)
出处 《家庭护士(下半月)》 2007年第11期6-7,共2页 Family Nurse
关键词 医生 专科护士 岗位 设置 素质 doctor specialty nurses post setup quality
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