钢管公司钢管研究所蠕变试验室所用设备为RD2—3型材料蠕变试验机,该机原加热炉温控系统为仪表加人工手动调节控制,存在着自动化程度低,操作繁琐,控温精度低等缺点。为此对该温控系统进行了技术改造,开发研制了微机炉温控制系统。通过该项技术改造,使炉温控制达到完全自动化,取代了人工操作,使炉温控制精度由原来的偏差范围<±3℃提高到<±1℃ ,取得了预期的效果。
The equipment of the creep lab in Steel Tube Company Research Institute is RD2 - 3 material creep testing machine. The temperature control system of its former heating furnace was adjusted by instrument and manual operation. It had the deficiencies such as low automation,tedious operation and low precision of temperature control,the technology reform was therefore carried out and computer temperature control system was developed. Through the technology reform,the temperature control is automatic instead of being manual. The deviation range of the precision of furnace temperature control improves from <±3℃to< ± 1℃ ,the expected result is achieved.
Tianjin Metallurgy