

Civilization Dialogue:the Case study of Hellenic History of the West Asia and the North Africa
摘要 广义的希腊化国家包括罗马帝国、帕提亚帝国和帕加马等。希腊化时期西亚北非的文明对话的特点:第一,处于边缘地位的周边落后民族迅速崛起,建立了横跨欧亚非三大洲的大帝国,原有的先进文明日渐衰落。第二,文化交往从以往的单向性发展为双向性。第三,文化交融是军事征服的后果。第四,文明中心迁移至欧亚大陆交界处和两河流域的新兴大城市或首都。第五,文化交往的趋势是融合型的文化取代纯粹的东方文化和希腊文化。第六,希腊化遭遇了中东部分人民的顽强反抗。第七,希腊化促进了东西方宗教的融合及世界宗教和中东文明圈的形成。 The Hellenic countries in a broad sense include the Roman Empire, the Parthian Empire and Pergamos, etc. The features of civilization dialogue in the Hellenic period of the West Asia and the North Africa are as the follows: firstly, the remote and backward ethnic groups rose rapidly and established great empires stretching all over Asia, Europe and Africa while the formerly advanced civilization went downhill; secondly, cultural fusion was the result of mihtary conquest; thirdly, cultural exchange went through one -way exchange to two -way exchange; fourthly, the civilization centers moved to new metropolises in the bordering areas between Asia and Europe or Mesopotamia; fifthly, the tendency of cultural exchange led to the replacement in the pure Eastern and Greek cultures by the mixed culture; sixthly, Hellenism met strong opposition from some people in the Middle East; seventhly, Hellenism promoted the fusion of the Western and Eastern religions and the formation of world religions and the Civilization Circle of the Middle East.
作者 黄民兴
出处 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2007年第6期70-74,共5页 Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 文明对话 希腊化 西亚北非 历史 civilization dialogue Hellenism the West Asia and the North Mrica history
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