

Improved Algorithm of Congestion Control Based on HSTCP
摘要 针对TCP Reno在高带宽大延迟网络中带宽的利用率不高和HSTCP拥塞控制算法的公平性缺陷,该文提出了基于HSTCP的改进算法mHSTCP。当网络带宽未充分利用时,mHSTCP的窗口增长采用HSTCP模式,当网络状况趋于拥塞时,mHSTCP的窗口增长采用TCP Reno模式。测试结果表明,改进的mHSTCP算法对高速传输中不同流之间的公平性有明显的改善。 Aiming at the low bandwidth utilization of TCP Reno in high speed and delay network, and the shortcoming of HSTCP congestion control algorithm in fairness, this paper proposes an improved congestion control algorithm mHSTCP. The increase of mHSTCP windows uses the HSTCP pattern, when the bandwidth is not used sufficiently. Otherwise the increase of mHSTCP windows uses the Reno pattern. The testing result validates that algorithm mHSTCP improves the fairness between the different data streams evidently in high speed network.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第21期96-98,共3页 Computer Engineering
基金 江苏高校自然科学基础研究基金资助项目(06KJB520079)
关键词 TCP 拥塞控制 带宽利用率 公平性 TCP congestion control rate of bandwidth utilization fairness
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