Administrative execution efficiency is the right result which administrative execution subject wants to realize in executive activity. It is a direction of execution behavior of main body in administrative execution. The administrative execution subject is a leading factor of influencing administrative execution efficiency. Scientific definition of the intension of administrative execution efficiency helps to keep high uniformity with administrative efficiency in leading the direction of the execution behavior of the main body. Under the influence of the characteristic of its economic people, backward concept, and imperfect supervision and examining mechanism, the administrative execution of the subject often deviates from the basic demand of administrative execution efficiency, resulting in poor efficiency or invalid in execution. It should begin with strengthening the sense of duty, establishing the concept of the rule of law and the ideas of the mass, perfecting responsibility investigation and the examination mechanism, standardizing and guiding the execution behavior of the administrative execution subject, fully arousing their enthusiasm, fully playing their role, and improving the execution efficiency.
Journal of Hebei Youth Administrative Cadres College
Administrative execution
Administrative execution efficiency
Administrative execution behavior