2The Need to Ensure a Healthy Environment for the Well-Being of Individuals,G.A.Res.45/94,U.N.GAOR,45th Sess.,Supp.No.49A,at 178,U.N.Doc.A/45/40 (1990).
3《里约环境与发展宣言》原则 1.
4《儿童权利公约》第 24 条.
5Meron (ed.).Human Rights in International Law:Legal and Policy Issues (Oxford,1984).Vol.1,213-17.
7In 1991 a Protocol to amend the reporting system of the Charter,in particular by strengthening the role of the Committee of Experts,was adopted (Text in European Treaty Series,No.142).
8Harris.The European Social Charter (Charlottesville,Va.,1984),305.