目的进一步研究群体烧伤病员远距离空运后送的护理组织与实施。方法对2006年34例烧伤伤员空运后送护理的全过程进行了回顾分析。结果34名伤员全部为男性,病重25人(占73.53%),病危3人(占8.82%),100%合并吸入性呼吸道损伤;重度吸入性损伤16人占47.06%,中度吸入性损伤18人占52.94%。空中飞行距离约1 600 km。按空运申请、空运前医疗护理准备、运送伤员到达登机点、组织伤员登机、实施空中医疗护理、组织伤员离机与交接、进行飞机的清洁与消毒、补充药材等8个阶段逐步展开救护。结论对于群体烧伤伤员空运后送,转运前的护理准备非常重要;对群体伤员进行分类编号管理,是防止护理工作混乱的基础。空中转送的医疗与护理具有独特性,但现代化的监护增加了转运的安全;统筹使用空中与地面的护理力量,可以提高护理组织绩效。
Objective To summarize our experience in nursing of a group of burned patients during long distance air evacuation. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the nursing of 34 burned patients during long distance air evacuation. Results All the 34 patients were male and 25 (73.53 %) were severely burned and 3 (8.82%) were in a critical condition. All patients had inhalation injury: 16 (47.06%) with severe injury, 18 (52.94%) with moderate injury. The flying distance was 1 600 km. The procedure was carried out according to the following 8 steps: the air evacuation application, medical preparation, patient transportation to the boarding site, boarding, air nursing, departing, plane disinfection, and supplementation. It is shown that the nursing preparation is very important for large number of burned patients. Careful management of patients is the key to prevent disorder in nursing. Air evacuation has different medical and nursing features. Conclusion The nursing efficacy can be improved by air and ground nursing combination.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
group burn
air evacuation, nursing