本文针对目前数字信号处理中广泛采用的快速傅里叶变换FFT(Fast Fourier Transform)算法采用软件编程来实现的应用现状,在对FFT算法进行分析的基础上,研究基于FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)芯片的FFT算法,把FFT算法对实时性的要求和FPGA芯片设计的灵活性结合起来,采用Altera公司的Cyclone II系列FPGA芯片中的FFT megacoreIP核来定制FFT功能,最后分别使用Quartus II和matlab软件开发工具验证实现。
In order to integrate the real-time demands for FFT algorithm with the flexibility in the FPGA chip design, this paper presents an IP core named FFT megacore to customize FFT function by using the Cyclone II FPGA chip from Altera, The algorithm is verified in the Quartus II development tool and the matlab software separately,
Techniques of Automation and Applications