Ball and socket valgus osteotomy in intertrochanteric region of femur for correction of coxa vara in 10 children(14 hips)with ages ranging from 6 to 12 years is reported.Bony union in the areas of osteotomy was obtained in 8 weeks in all patients.Eight patients(12 hips) were followed up for a mean of 4 years and 2 months(range,3 10 years)with satisfactory results.The authors feel that this procedure is a simple,effective method whereby the area of contact between the fragments could be increased and greater stability achieved,and earlier bony union is more likely to occur,hence excellent correction of deformity.Correction of coxa vara by this method is indicated when the neck shaft angle is 110 degrees or less.The neck shaft angle should be cerrected to approximately 135 to 145 degrees for elder children.Internal fixation with screw plate is recommended after osteotomy reinforced by a spica cast worn for 8 weeks.
Orthopedic Journal of China