自20世纪60年代美国民权运动引发社会反主流思潮后,原来受压制的少数族裔文学开始受到关注。自从1969年美国本土作家莫马迪(N.Scott Momaday)的《黎明之屋》(House Made of Dawn)获普利策文学奖后,印第安文学开始复兴。莱斯利.马蒙.西尔科是众多印第安裔作家中令人瞩目的一位。本文试从分析西尔科的代表作《仪式》(Ceremony)入手,认识传统印第安母系社会以及一个印第安女性与自然有着紧密联系的神话世界。
As the novel House Made of Dawn won the Pulitzer Prize, American Indian literature which was seldom paid attention to by scholars became one necessary branch of American Literature. That is to say, American Indian literature began to speak. And a lot of excellent writers appear. Leslie Marmon Silko is just a best one of them. However, scholars in our country have paid little attention to this very important Indian woman writer. This paper tries to make a brief introduction of the traditional Indian women by analyzing Silko's famous novel Ceremony.
Journal of Mudanjiang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)