
Online Adaptation of Game AI with Evolutionary Learning

Online Adaptation of Game AI with Evolutionary Learning
摘要 Since the beginning of computer games era, artificial intelligence (AI) has been a standard feature of games. The current emphasis in computer game AI is improving the quality of opponent AI. Our research question reads: How can unsupervised online learning be incorporated in Computer Role Playing Game(CRPG) to improve the strategy of the opponent AI? Our goal is to use online evolutionary learning to design strategies that can defeat the opponent. So we apply a novel technique called dynamic scripting that realizes online adaptation of scripted opponent AI and report on experiments performed in a simulated CRPG to assess the adaptive performance obtained with the technique. Since the beginning of computer games era, artificial intelligence (AI) has been a standard feature of games. The current emphasis in computer game AI is improving the quality of opponent AI. Our research question reads: How can unsupervised online learning be incorporated in Computer Role Playing Game (CRPG) to improve the strategy of the opponent AI? Our goal is to use online evolutionary learning to design strategies that can defeat the opponent. So we apply a novel technique called dynamic scripting that realizes online adaptation of scripted opponent AI and report on experiments performed in a simulated CRPG to assess the adaptive performance obtained with the technique.
出处 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第2期264-267,共4页 东华大学学报(英文版)
关键词 artificial intelligence evolutionary learning dynamic scripting game AI 人工智能 演变语言学 动态选择 计算机技术
  • 相关文献


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