文章介绍了EtherNet/IP在梅山钢铁公司2#高炉的成功应用,该系统自2004年投入运行。它由ControlLogix系统和实时监控软件RSView SE完成了电气传动和仪表过程的控制,罗克韦尔网络集成架构的应用使得操作更加灵活,控制更加方便快捷,维护更简单。
This paper introduces the successful application of Ethemet/IP in Meishan Ateel 2# Blast Furnace. This system implements the electrical transmission and instruments control by using ControLogix system of AB and the real-time monitoring software of RSView SE. The application of Rockwell network integration structure makes the operation more flexible, the control more rapid and convenient, and the maitainance simpler.
Automation Panorama1