

Utilizing Barnsley Fern as Orbit Trap to Construct Virtual Three-Dimension Generalized Mandelbrot-Julia Sets of Newton Transform
摘要 本文将P ickover、Carlson和叶瑞松的陷阱技术进行了改造,以Barnsley蕨类植物叶子(简称Barnsley蕨)作为陷阱,并提出了双陷阱技术。将Carlson和叶瑞松采用静态陷阱由陷入法构造复多项式F(z)=z4+(c-a0)z2-a0c的伪3D牛顿变换的准M集的方法进行了推广,利用Barnsley蕨陷阱构造并研究了复多项式F(z)=zα+(c-a0)zβ-a0c(α,β∈R,且α>β≥2)伪3D牛顿变换的广义M-J集。研究表明:(1)无论α和β取何正整数值,广义M集中都存在着由坏点组成的经典M集,且经典M集的指向随α和β的不同而不同;(2)广义M-J集中存在具有3D效果且与对应陷阱形状相近的大小不同的彩色元素,并具有自相似特征;(3)α和β为正小数时,相角θ主值范围的不同选取将导致广义M-J集的不同演化。 We extend Pickover, Carlson and Ye Ruisong's trap technique, come up with Barnsley fern as orbit trap and double-trap technique. Based on Carlson and Ye Ruisong's virtual 3D (three-dimension) Newton transform quasi Mandelbrot sets for F(x) = z^4 + (c -a0)z^2 -a0c with static trap, we construct and study the virtual 3D Newton transform generalized Mandelbrot-Julia sets for F(z) =z^ α+ (c -α0)x^β -aoc(α,β ∈ R,α 〉β≥2) using Barnsley fern as orbit trap. Then we find: ( 1 ) No matter what positive integer α and β is, it can always be found that there is standard Mandelbrot set structure formed by "bad" points in the generalized 3D M andelbrot set; (2) In generalized M andelbrot-Julia sets, there are various 3D color cells that correspond with the shape of the trap; (3) When α and β are positive decimal, the evolutions of Mandelbrot-Julia sets depend on the choices of the principal ranges of the phase angle.
出处 《中国图象图形学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期700-706,共7页 Journal of Image and Graphics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60573172) 辽宁省教育厅高等学校科学技术研究项目(20040081)
关键词 Barnsley蕨 陷阱技术 伪3D 牛顿变换 广义M-J集 Barnsley fern, trap technique, virtual 3D, Newton transform, generalized Mandelbrot-Julia set
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