Since the introduction of rough sets in 1982 by Professor Zdzisaw Pawlak, we have witnessed great advances in both theory and applications. Rough set theory is closely related to knowledge technology in a variety of forms such as knowledge discovery, approximate reasoning, intelligent and multiagent system design, knowledge intensive computations. The cutting-edge knowledge technologies have great impact on learning, pattern recognition, machine intelligence and automation of acquisition, transformation, communication, exploration and exploitation of knowledge. A principal thrust of such technologies is the utilization of methodologies that facilitate knowledge processing. To present the state-of-the-art scientific results, encourage academic and industrial interaction, and promote collaborative research in rough sets and knowledge technology worldwide, the 3rd International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology will be held in Chengdu, China, May 17~19, 2008. It will provide a forum for researchers to discuss new results and exchange ideas, following the successful RSKT'06 (Chongqing, China) and JRS'07 (RSKT'07 together with RSFDGrC'07) (Toronto, Canada).
Journal of Computer Research and Development