
略论美国的“快速全球打击”计划 被引量:4

摘要 最近,美国国会同意拨款1亿美元支持三叉戟潜射弹道核导弹的常规化改装,这标志着布什政府的"快速全球打击"计划将进入实施阶段。该计划是以单边主义、进攻性和强调先发制人"预防性"打击为特点的布什政府军事战略的产物。无论从指导思想、针对的目标还是打击方式来看,"快速全球打击"计划都具有极高的实战性,其主要功能不在于威慑,而在于先发制人的"击败"。这一计划已经并将继续产生一系列严重后果。
作者 全克林
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第11期7-11,共5页
  • 相关文献


  • 1William Arkin, “Not Just A Last Resort? A Global Strike Plan,With a Nuclear Option,” The Washington Post, May 15, 2005.
  • 2Elaine Grossman, “Air Force Wants ' No - Warning' Strike Force,” February 3, 2006, http.// www. military. com/features/0,15240,86947,00, html.
  • 3U.S. Senate Debate on Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007, August 3, 2006, http://thomas. loc. gov/cgi -bin/query/ R? r109 : FLD001 : S58705, S58708, S58710.
  • 4Statement by General James E. Cartwright, before the Strategic Forces Subcommittee Senate Armed Services Committee on Global Strike Plans And Programs, March 29, 2006, pp. 5, 16-17.
  • 5U.S. Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review Report, September 30, 2001, p. 61.
  • 6U.S. Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review Report, February 6, 2006, pp. v, vi.
  • 7U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, The National Military Strategy of the United States, 2004, p. 5.
  • 8U.S. Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review Report, September 30, 2001, pp. 13-14.
  • 9Statement by General James E. Cartwright, before the Strategic Forces Subcommittee Senate Armed Services Committee on Global Strike Plans And Programs, March 29, 2006, pp. 16 -17.
  • 10The White House, The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, September 2002, p. 14.


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  • 2Jonathan M.Owens.Precision Global Strike:Is there a role for the navy conventional trident modifica- tion or the air force conventional strike missile?[D].Air War College,2008.
  • 3U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike: Issues for 2008 and Beyond [R]. Committee on Conventional Prompt Global Strike Capability, National Research Council, 2008.
  • 4Woolf F.Amy.Conventional Prompt Global Strike and Long-Range Ballistic Missiles: Background and Is- sues [R].Congressional Research Service Report,Feb 13, 2012.
  • 5Treaty Between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on measures for the future reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms (new START) [R]. Feb 5, 2011.
  • 6Pentagon Revises Prompt Global Strike Effort. Global Security Newswire, April 7, 2011.
  • 7Defense Budget Priorities and Choices[R]. Department of Defense,United States of America,January 2012.
  • 8U.S. Conventional prompt global strike issues for 2005 and Be-yond. committee on conventional prompt global strike capability, National Research Council of the National Academies, 2005.
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