
深空探测中的自主无线电关键技术 被引量:3

Key Technologies of Autonomous Radio for Deep Space Network
摘要 深空探测中的自主无线电主要作用是实现多个深空探测器间的通信,优点是能在未知无线电环境下不需要地面干预,自动实现无线电参数的识别和配置.阐述了自主无线电技术对深空探测的必要性.在与常规无线电技术、软件无线电技术比较的基础上,论述了深空探测中的自主无线电技术,分析了其必须解决未知无线电环境下参数估计这一关键问题.针对无线电参数估计目前存在的因果循环问题,提出了一种自主无线电技术参数估计迭代层次结构模型,分析了各层间的消息类型和迭代过程. The primary application of autonomous radio for deep space network is relaying communication signals from multiple deep space assets. The advantage of an autonomous radio is that it can communicate to each asset that comes into view, automatically, without having to be reconfigured from Earth for each pass to account for differences in the signal characteristics. The autonomous radio that can meet the need for deep space network is discussed. The fundamental difference between a conventional radio, or even a software-defined radio, and a truly autonomous radio for deep space network is that an autonomous radio has the ability to recognize features of an incoming signal without much a priori knowledge. Using conventional estimation and tracking design, one quickly gets into a chicken and egg problem. In this paper, we overview the architecture of an autonomous radio, define many parameters one might desire to estimate from the signal. Finally, an iterative layered architecture model of parameters estimating in the autonomous radio is presented, message-passing and the interaction of the estimators is analyzed.
出处 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期512-518,共7页 Chinese Journal of Space Science
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划资助(2D06AA701205B)
关键词 深空探测 自主无线电技术 参数估计 结构模型 Deep space network, Autonomous radio, Parameters estimating, Architecture
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