The US DPRK policy is a blind spot in the whole of the US East Asia alliance network,for which it has been working on for decades.As a result of this weakness,US interests in this region have been threatened since the 1990s,resulting in DPRK is conducting of its first nuclear test in October,2006.In order to address this challenge,the U.S.changed its policy from squeezing the DPRK's international living space to direct engagemont with DPRK,leading to the formulation and step-by-step enforcement of '2.13 Joint Document',the first bilateral direct talks and the gradual progress of the bilateral relationship between the U.S.and DPRK,bringing new hopes for the security situation in Northeast Asia.This article aims at analyzing the reasons,nature and future of the present adjustment of US DPRK policy,and tries to explore the resolution process of the DPRK nuclear issue from a new perspective.
International Forum