针对济钢焦化厂6#、7#焦炉焦炭M40下降约2%,相关部门对槽内煤质、配煤准确度、焦炉热工操作及配煤指标等系统进行了排查,确认了配用的瘦煤G值低导致配合煤黏结性不足是本次波动的主要原因。通过调整配煤结构、提高配合煤黏结性、延长结焦时间等措施,使焦炭质量恢复到M40 84.0%的正常水平。并提出要建立焦炭质量波动预警机制,提高焦炭质量过程控制能力,加强操作、管理水平,以确保高炉生产顺利进行。
To solve the 2% decrease in M40 value of the coke from No.6 and 7 ovens, the coal quality inside the tank, the accuracy of the blending ratio, the thermal operation system of the coke ovens and the coal blending parameters were checked. The result shows that the low G quantity in the lean coal is one of the important reasons causing low quality coke. By adjusting the composition of the blend coals, improving the caking ability and prolonging the coking time, the coke quality was properly resumed.
Coal Chemical Industry