Objective :To know the iodine amount level at the enterprise of salt producing and processing (the Salt Plant of Yanyuan) and the current situation of edible salt at household iodized level in Yanyuan county to provide basis for making scientific program. Methods: By The practicing plans of iodized salt inspection in Sichuan sampling, we monitored the results to analyze the iodized salt of the enterprise of salt producing and processing and household's edible iodized salt. Resuits:A total of 324 sampies of iodized salt of the enterprise of salt producing and processing were tested, the qualification rate of iodized salt was 100%. A total of 802 samples of edible salt were tested on household basis. Household's iodized salt coverage rate was 100%, the qualification rate of iodized salt was 97. 13%, the edible rate of qualified iodized salt was 97.13%, non - iodized salt was 0%. Conclusion :The qualification rate of the iodized salt of the enterprise of salt producing and processing in Yanyuan was 100%. The qualification rate of household's iodized salt was 97. 13%. The rates of qualified iodized salt reach the national standard of eliminating IDD, but unqualified iodized salt exists in part of household. Therefore, strengthening propaganda strength, making sure more household know the right ways of using and storing iodized salt, and in order to improve the edible rate of qualified iodized salt.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Iodized salt
The enterprise of salt producing and processing
Inspection and analysis