
微波辅助衍生激素类兽药的气相色谱-质谱分析 被引量:1

Microwave-assistant Derivatization for the Simultaneous Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Hormones Veterinary Drugs
摘要 本文利用国产家用微波炉,采用微波辅助衍生化技术,对9种激素类兽药进行快速衍生,用于气相色谱-质谱分析。该方法仅需60s的时间即可以达到比传统的70℃水浴45min衍生化反应更好的衍生化效果。采用微波辅助衍生对于浓度在0.064~3.84mg/mL范围内的标准样品,6次测定结果的相对标准偏差(RSD)在3.65%~11.15%范围内(炔雌醇为21.84%)。该方法简单、快速、重现性好,可以推荐作为气相色谱分析的衍生化激素样品前处理常用方法。 In this paper, a domestic microwave - oven was used for microwave - assistant derivatization fol- lowing gas chromatographic - mass spectrometric analysis of nine hormones veterinary drugs. The results derived by 60s microwave were better than the results by the water bath at 70℃ in 45min. For the concentration range of 0. 064 - 3.84 mg/mL, the relative deviations(RSD) were between 3.65% - 11.15% ( except for Ethinylestradiol 21.84 % ) . It was proved to be a simple, rapid and accurate method, and can be recommended as a common samole oretreatment method for accelerated derivatization.
出处 《现代科学仪器》 2007年第5期80-83,共4页 Modern Scientific Instruments
关键词 微波辅助 衍生化 激素 气相色谱-质谱分析 microwave - assistant derivatization hormones gas chromatographic - mass spectrometric a-nalysis
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