
数字化微混合反应器的研究 被引量:1

Study of Digital Micro Mixing-Reactor
摘要 设计了一种数字化微混合反应器,对不同流体通过数字化微喷射生成微液滴,利用液滴间的碰撞和聚合实现试样与试剂间的微混合与反应。该微混合反应器由玻璃微流体器件拉制仪拉制的微管道进行粘接组合而成,内部无可动件,无需复杂的微加工技术,结构简单,制造成本低。进行了氢氧化钠溶液和酚酞溶液的混合反应实验,实验证明该混合反应器可以用于微混合反应。 A novel digital micro mixing-reactor was designed. Different microfluids were put into micro droplets based on digital microinjection technology. The droplets collision and coalescence caused mixing and reactions of the samples and reagents. The micro mixing-reactor was fabricated by fitting glass microchannels together without micro moving parts. These glass microchannels were produced by microchannel puller dispense with complicated microfabrication technology, hence greatly simplifying the structure and reducing the cost. The performance of the micro mixing-reactor is evaluated by the mixing-reaction experiments of sodium hydroxide solution with phenolphthalein solution.
出处 《微纳电子技术》 CAS 2007年第11期1004-1007,共4页 Micronanoelectronic Technology
基金 教育部博士学科点专项科研基金(20060288005)
关键词 微混合反应器 数字化微喷射 微液滴 碰撞和聚合 玻璃微管道 micro mixing-reactor digital microinjection micro droplets collision and coalescence glass microchannel
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