This study was undertaken to investigate the efficacy of cisapride on chronic dyspepsia. 173 patients with dyspepsia and without response to the treat-ment of metoclopramide and domeridone for two to four weeks were randomly di-vided into two treatment groups. Cisapride group: cisapride 5mg t. i. d for four weeks. Control group: ranitidine 150mg b- i, d for four weeks. Total effective rate was 95. 6% in cisapride group, whereas 43. 9% in contro1 group. There was a very significant difference between their efficacies (P<0. 001). The efficacy of cisapride was related to the clinica1 type of dyspepsia, whereas no related to age, sex, and duration of dyspepsia. The incidence of side effect in cisapride group was 16. 5%.Most of it was mild. In conclusion, cisapride can effectively treat chronic dyspesia which is no response to the treatment of.metoclopramide and domperidone. It is a kind of safe and effective gastroenteric dynamic drug.
Journal of Zunyi Medical University