

Synthesis,crystal structure and absorptivity to solar radiation of [Ni(C_5H_4NCOO)_2·(H_2O)_4]
摘要 通过水热法合成了[N i(C5H4NCOO)2.(H2O)4]晶体。对其进行了元素分析、红外光谱以及热重分析,并通过单晶X-射线衍射确定了其晶体结构。该晶体属于三斜晶系,空间群为P1,晶胞参数为a=0.62878(7)nm,b=0.69008(8)nm,c=0.92440(10)nm,α=96.500(10),°β=105.130(10)°,γ=113.320(10)°。通过UV-VIS-NIR反射光谱研究了其光学性质,表明其在近红外区有强吸收,而在可见区域基本为透明,对太阳辐射的吸光系数(ε)为0.014μm-1。 [Ni(C5H4NCOO)2·(H2O)4]complex was synthesized by using hydrothermal reaction and characerized by elemental analysis,IR spectrometry and thermogravimetric analysis. The crystal structure was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystal belongs to triclinic crystal system, space group P1 with cell parameters a = 0. 62878 (7)nm, b = 0. 69008 (8) nm, c =0. 92440(10) nm,α=96.500(10)°,β=105.130(10)°γ=113.320(10)° The studies by UV-VIS-NIR diffuse reflectance spectrum show that it is of strong absortivity in near IR spectral band, but almost transparent in the visible spectral band and ε(absorption coefficient to solar radiation)is 0. 014μm^-1.
出处 《化学研究与应用》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期1208-1210,共3页 Chemical Research and Application
基金 北京市教育委员会科技发展计划面上项目(2005-06)资助 北京市服装材料与纤维开发重点实验室开放课题资助项目(2004ZK-3)
关键词 镍系络合物 合成 晶体结构 太阳辐射吸收 Ni complex synthesis crystal structure absorptivity to solar radiation
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