
携带靶向干扰VEGF基因shRNA重组腺相关病毒载体的构建和制备 被引量:3

Construction and preparation of recombinant adeno-associated virus vector for expressing shRNA targeting VEGF165 mRNA
摘要 目的:构建并制备携带靶向干扰VEGF165基因shRNA的重组腺相关病毒载体.方法:将PCR法扩增所得EGFP-U6-shRNA(VEGF165)片段插入载体质粒pSNAV2.0-lacz-α的EcoRI和SalI酶切位点,构建重组质粒pSNAV2.0-EGFP-U6-shRNA(VEGF165).以HSV1-RapCap/ΔUL2为辅毒,包装rAAV2-EGFP-U6-shRNA(VEGF165)病毒.对所获病毒载体进行PCR,SDS-PAGE鉴定分析、滴度测定和EGFP的活性检测.结果:PCR,SDS-PAGE鉴定分析结果表明靶向干扰VEGF165基因的shRNA片段成功包装入重组AAV2载体,病毒纯度在98%以上.点杂交法测定重组病毒载体基因组滴度约为3×1014v.g.(vector genomes)/L.EGFP活性检测显示重组AAV2感染细胞阳性率在30%以上.结论:成功制备了rAAV2-EGFP-U6-shRNA(VEGF165)病毒载体,为通过RNA干扰技术特异性抑制VEGF基因的表达来阐明VEGF在缺血性脑损伤后各种生物学事件中的作用奠定了实验基础. AIM: To construct and prepare the recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector for expressing short hairpin RNA ( shRNA ) targeting VEGF165 mRNA. METHODS : By inserting the sequence that contained EGFP-U6- shRNA (targeting VEGF165 mRNA) into the EcoRI and SalI site of vector plasmid pSNAV2.0-lacz-α, we constructed the recombinant vector of plasmid pSNAV2.0- EGFP-U6- shRNA ( VEGF165 ). The recombinant vector of plasmid, BHK cell lines and helper virus HSV1-RapCap/△UL2 were used for the package of the serotype 2 of recombinant adeno-associated virus(rAAV2) vector. The identity, viral purity, titer, EGFP activity of rAAV2 viral stock were analyzed by the methods of PCR, SDS-PAGE, dot-blot, and virus infection, respectively. RESULTS : The results of PCR and SDSPAGE indicated that the shRNA fragment targeting VEGF165 was sucessfully packaged into rAAV2, and the viral purity of rAAV2 was above 98%. The titer of rAAV2 was approximately 3 × 10^14 v.g. ( vector genomes)/L, and the positive rate of rAAV2 infected cells was over 30%. CONCLUSION: The viral vector of rAAV2-EGFP-U6-shRNA ( VEGF165 ) is successfully prepared. This viral vector will serve to interpret the role of VEGF in biological events after cerebral ischemic injury by specially inhibiting the expression of VEGF gene.
出处 《第四军医大学学报》 北大核心 2007年第22期2025-2028,共4页 Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
关键词 血管内皮生长因子类 腺相关病毒 遗传载体 RNA干扰 短发卡样RNA vascular endothelial growth factors adeno-associated virus genetic vectors RNA interference short hairpin RNA
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