OSA/Parlay API是面向服务的NGN开放电信业务接口规范,实现OSA/API开放业务能力的关键是业务发布、发现和绑定机制.深入研究了OSA/Parlay Web Service业务发布、发现和绑定机制,揭示了OSA/Parlay和Web Service内在联系,详细分析了Parlay X Web Service业务发布、发现和绑定机制的实现和问题,并给出一个Parlay X Web Service开发实例.
OSA/Parlay API is the specification of opening telecommunication services interfaces of Next - Generation - Network. At the distributed network architecture of OSA, how to provide the open services capability of OSA/Parlay to the third party application is a crucial technical issue. The internal relationship between OSA./Parlay and Web Service is discovered by studying the publishing, discovery and binding mechanisms of OSA/Parlay Web Service. The process and feature of the mechanisms of Parlay X Web Service are also analyzed . A SMS example based on Parlay X Web Service is given.
Journal of South China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)